Advanta Innovations

Many benefits of an advanced school management system

If you have been waiting to propel your organization with an advanced school management system, then you don’t need to wait further. Advanta brings in one of the most efficient, advanced and economical software. This software helps to bring in some revolutionary changes in your school for the students, parents, communities, school staff etc.

What is an advanced school management system

School management system is application software solutions that is web based and designed to bring a structured and conducive information exchange environment which collaborates and integrates the teachers, parents, students and the school/college administration. All of these software systems have the capability of enabling schools to supervise the student associated activities like their performance, attendance, examinations conducted etc. In short – they cover the life cycle of the student from the time they get admission in school till their farewell.

Benefits of a school management system

The benefits of such system serve everyone involved in such academic process. These systems provide a blend of tools – in fact a roadmap which enables the school and college administration run the process smoothly in most ingenuity, cost saving, and efficient manner. It is very easy to imagine what benefits such systems can bring into different entities. Let’s list these per entity:

Benefits to students

1. Advance information about holidays and school events
2. Freedom to search all through library book manual and locate the book they want to be issued
3. Liberty to be an active contributor in forums, publish or view articles etc.
4. Quick access to examination schedule, grades, marks, timetable and attendance
5. Online submission of the homework or assignments
6. Enhanced communication with peers, parents, and teachers

Benefits to teachers

1. Systematic organization of school activities
2. Access to the attendance of students and other teachers besides self
3. Access to forum where parents and students can interact
4. Effective and efficient communication with parents
5. Availability of additional time for students
6. Assigning homework to the students online
7. Giving approvals for required assignments online
8. Creation of timetable in advance
9. Management of grades and marks online
10. Automated attendance of students – in fact approval/rejection of leaves too

Benefits to parents

1. Prompt and regular availability of school/college updates via messaging system, image gallery, discussion forums and articles
2. Advance information on school holidays and events
3. Track of homework or assignments assigned to the child by teachers
4. Reliable and timely update on student’s fee, progress report, and attendance
5. Active contributor in school activities
6. Frequent interaction with the teachers and school administration

Benefits to the management

1. Optimum utilization of resources
2. Centrally saved information with zero or negligible redundancy
3. Computerized operations
4. Upgrade school’s image or brand school as tech savvy
5. Effective collaboration between the students, parents, and teachers
6. Economical and value based system which is single point of contact for entire information


Undoubtedly school management system can make the education system dynamic and advanced. If you wish to re-brand the school image and make it more student and parent-friendly, then deploy an advanced school management system today.

Please feel free to contact us for more information.